Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weigh-in #5 RESULTS

Here we go. Some of us (me...cough, cough) are obviously struggling. Wish I could figure out a way to get out of this funk. Any suggestions? I am hoping that this weekends 5K will inspire me. I am actually pretty excited about it. Who would of thought I'd be excited to go for a walk? Sarah, from The Biggest Loser is scheduled to be there, as well as many other former contestants. And I can't wait to see her! Did anyone watch her elimination show two weeks ago? It was sad to see her go, but she looks amazing! She's so inspiring! I am hoping that I get to pick her brain and see if she can help me out. Pictures will be posted after this weekend!!!!

Click on the image for a larger view

I'd love to hear how people are doing. What's working, what's not. I will post soon about what's obviously not working for me. Not that any of you will care to read it....it's mainly for me. So keep up the good work everyone!


  1. I did Zumba for the first time tonight, and am seriously in love!! I think I'm going to join the gym where they offer it, the class was that good. The instructor was amazing - the class was packed so I know people go just for her. I'm hoping this will bring me out of MY funk!

  2. I am so freakn excited for the 5K! Its going to be awesome
