Monday, February 21, 2011

Weigh-in #3 RESULTS / Pound for Pound Challenge

Here it is. Some of you are doing awesome!!!! Keep up the good work! Others....(cough, don't worry, we'll get there. Just keep plugging along. Kristi is still kicking our trash! Heidi is nipping at her heels though. Way to go!

Click on the picture below for a larger view.

Have something to say? Click on the comment link below and have at it. Remember that we can start a dialogue (a friendly banter if you will) by posting comments on each of these posts that I have created if you'd like. Maybe we can get something started with posting congrats, comments, questions etc. to be in better communication with one another. What do you think? I can't be the only one that is doing this that has something to say.

A friendly reminder of one of my last posts about the 5K taking place next month in St. George. Karen O, Kristi, Geoff and I have all signed up to do it. How about the rest of you? I am planning on walking the entire time, while pushing my baby in a stroller. Anyone care to join? Refer to the 5K post for information on it or click here for information.

Need some helpful hints, tips etc. Check out this site. They have yummy recipes to try, workout routines and tips from the trainers.

Have you heard of the Pound for Pound Challenge? For every pound you pledge to lose through May 31, 2011, the Pound For Pound Challenge will donate 11¢ to Feeding America® — enough to secure one pound of groceries on behalf of local food banks. $1,040,000 maximum NO cost to you. Click the following link for more information and how to register. I did this the last time a did a weight-loss challenge and pledged the 50 lbs I lost to help out a great cause.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Weigh-in #2 RESULTS

Sorry about the delay. I am still waiting on a few people to report, but thought I better get this posted and I can update it later. Remember that the numbers below are a running tally of the total percent of weight loss per person. Here are the results:

click on the image for a larger view

Kristi - you're smoking us! If the rest of you are like me, you're probably frustrated that the weight isn't coming off as you hoped. But I have to keep reminding myself that I am trying, I have set some goals for myself, and have achieved some. One of them is to exercise 2-3 days per week. I have done that for over a month now. The scale isn't showing it yet, but I am feeling it physically and emotionally. I feel energized and can tell that I am developing some muscle. I have been doing Zumba at a local class. For those of you who haven't heard of it, I recommend looking into it. It's a dance/aerobic exercise program and it's so much fun!!!!!!! They sell the dvd's online and TV. I love going to the local class, because it gives me a reason to get out of the house, and dance dance dance. I finally found an exercise that doesn't hurt & is fun to do.

We are all doing this for the ultimate goal of losing weight and being healthy, but we are doing it for our own reasons, and need to keep that goal in mind. Keep up the good work everyone!