Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dancing With The Stars

Did anyone else watch this last night? I am always a bit hesitant to watch when I don't know who the people are, or vice versa and I am just scared at what they're going to be like. But so far, there are a few that look like they might be pretty good.
Why in the world am I blogging about this on our New and Healthy Life blog you ask? Did anyone watch Kirstie Alley? Seriously for a big girl, she can move. And more power to her. I love that she is so confident and comfortable with who she is and is willing to go out in front of the world and show that big girls don't need to hide behind their weight. I love love love that she's doing the show and hope she wins it. It just shows you don't have to be a size zero to be active, dance your guts out, and look great doing it. Another inspiration for me to just keep dancing! Way to go Kirstie! You rock!!!!!!!!

Weigh-in #5 RESULTS

Here we go. Some of us (me...cough, cough) are obviously struggling. Wish I could figure out a way to get out of this funk. Any suggestions? I am hoping that this weekends 5K will inspire me. I am actually pretty excited about it. Who would of thought I'd be excited to go for a walk? Sarah, from The Biggest Loser is scheduled to be there, as well as many other former contestants. And I can't wait to see her! Did anyone watch her elimination show two weeks ago? It was sad to see her go, but she looks amazing! She's so inspiring! I am hoping that I get to pick her brain and see if she can help me out. Pictures will be posted after this weekend!!!!

Click on the image for a larger view

I'd love to hear how people are doing. What's working, what's not. I will post soon about what's obviously not working for me. Not that any of you will care to read it....it's mainly for me. So keep up the good work everyone!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Weigh-in #4 RESULTS

Sorry about the wait. Some people didn't get me their numbers, but I decided I better post them any way. Remember that is a running tally.

Click on the picture for a larger view

Keep up the good work every one! By the way......two things to bring to your attention:

1. Look at past posts in the comment section. People have been putting comments, and asking questions that are aimed at some of you.

2. How many of you registered to do the Biggest Loser Resort 5K this month? As of last week, it was officially sold out .... 600 + participants. Hope some of you were able to register and do this. I am excited for it to get here. Hopefully the weather will be nicer by then :).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Did anyone watch Biggest Loser last night? If not, spoiler alert - Arthur was voted off. This show drives me bonkers sometimes. Karma can come back & bite you in the butt which is what happened to Arthur unfortunately.

A few episodes back he thought that he would take his position on the ranch into his own hands, trying to stay as long as he could, and ended up sabotaging himself last night. There came a point in the episode where the contestants where doing a 5K, and as long as they didn't finish last, they got to choose who their trainers would be. My friend Sarah, didn't want to have to make that choice since she'd worked out with both sets of trainers and really liked them. But something snapped in her, and she realized that she couldn't let the fate of her position on the ranch be in the hands of someone else. She kicked into high gear and finished the 5K, in second to last place. She chose to stay with the Black team. Ultimately, Arthur came in last, got put on the Red team, and the Red team voted for Arthur to go home.

Why am I bringing this up? Last night/today Sarah, on her Facebook profile, was ridiculed by people for her choice to stay with the Black team, making it so Arthur got voted off. Are you kidding me? I understand why people are upset that Arthur went home, because he clearly needed to stay, arguably more than anyone there....however, to pin that on Sarah is unfair. She made a choice that she felt was best for her to ensure that she stayed on the ranch for at least one week longer, which had NOTHING to do with sending Arthur home. Arthur made his choice long ago, to play the game, and it ended up biting him in the butt.

It's all about accountability. We all have made choices that have led us to this point in our lives. Some have been good, and some are obviously bad, which is why we are in this competition. But I believe that doing this, is more than just winning the money. It's about figuring out why we are doing the things that we do to make us gain the weight, and fixing it. Sarah went on the Biggest Loser to take back her life, and is doing an outstanding job. We may not have the luxury of being able to have a personal trainer, planned meals, scheduled work outs like she's had. But we do have the luxury of starting to have this support system to help us get to the person that we've longed to be. We have to find a balance to make this work, which I admit I have been struggling with. But I'm not going to give up. It may take longer than I would like, but I have the ultimate goal in site, and I will accomplish it. How about you?